Opening November 20
Exhibiting Through December 10

Noble & Superior Projects is proud to present "IN(DI)VISIBLE" featuring the work of
T.W. Liand
Whitney Faile.
TW Li's work can't leave you alone. His images are as striking and visceral as they are conceptually rich and memorable. His two newest videos "After You" and "Self (Involved) Portrait" speak from opposing sides of a discourse on public space and social behavior, contrasting one another until the viewer becomes a prism, a result of the combination and reflecting all the affect that can be found in this work.
Whitney Faile is a photographer and artist who came from a trip to LA with a distinct vision in her mind. "A Brief History of the World Part I: A Bedtime Story" is the embodiment of the image the city left on her. On one hand, it is a psychedelic, free associative dive into a world of symbolism and color theory. Simultaneously, figures once photographed in a decaying urban environment, are now re-imagined as living in a utopian landscape rich with image and juxtapositions as disparate as they are practical.
T.W. Li · "Self (Involved) Portrait"
Whitney Faile · image from "History of the World Part I: A Bedtime Story"